BREAKING NEWS FOR ALL SKAT-FANS! “Der Schachtherapeut” has released his “Schach/Skat-Spielkarten Set”. It features legends of the past as well as contemporary masters. [...]
In the previous post I described the traps you can fall victim to when studying openings in a superficial and passive way. Such warnings are important, but only half as valuable, if not [...]
There are many pitfalls when it comes to learning an opening. Some exist on the repertoire level: Picking bad quality lines Not taking into account one’s style Not taking into account [...]
Kasparov: 1.e4….. Doesn’t he know what will now come upon him? If you have grasped the logic of an opening or variation, you have a good idea of its winning potential. The following [...]
When searching for pictures of me on the internet, I stumbled upon the following. The website (This is no promotion. I have no idea what they do and whether their content is [...]
There are 50 ways to leave your lover and 50 ways to die in the west and maybe not 50, but quite many different ways to win a Deep Sicilian. As mentioned in the previous post, learning an opening [...]