Alongside material, pawn structure and piece activity, king safety is one of the four fundamental value areas. It is taken very seriously by strong players, but is often underestimated or not properly understood by inexperienced chess fans. This seminar will help you to better understand the topic of king safety and use it to your advantage. It answers the following questions:

  • How do I exploit a weakened king position of my opponent?
  • How do I create a weakened king position for my opponent?
  • When can I sacrifice material for a long-term weakening of the king’s position?
  • How do I avoid weakening my own king position?
  • When is a weakening of the pawn shield allowed?
  • When does an attack against an unweakened king position work?
  • What role do space and piece coordination play?
  • When is the “time” factor of top priority?
  • How can I pin the king in the center?
  • When should the king stay in the center?
  • When can the king stay in the center?
  • When must the king take flight?
  • When should the king be centralized?
  • How can the king help in the defense?
  • How do I evaluate the queen exchange?
  • When should I make a defensive sacrifice?