Of the four fundamental value areas “material”, “pawn structure”, “king safety” and “piece activity”, piece activity plays a special role. It is the only absolute value, i.e. an end in itself. The other values must always refer to piece activity. Restriction is one of two sides of the coin “piece activity”. Of course, it is just as important to restrict your opponent’s pieces as it is to activate your own pieces. And yet restriction is generally neglected. Here are a few possible reasons for this:

  • Self-centeredness – Our own pieces are closer to us than our opponents and are therefore more in focus.
  • Optimism – People are more optimistic than realistic, which dampens the sense of danger.
  • Technical inability – Active play is easier than restrictive play.

The following types of restriction are explained in the seminar:

  • Restriction of pieces by pawns
  • Restriction of pieces by pieces
  • Targeted play against a specific piece
  • Restriction of pawns by pawns
  • Restriction of pawns by pieces
  • Restriction by rook pawns
  • Restriction by withdrawal
  • Restriction by omission
  • Restriction by sacrifice
  • Tactical restriction