Chess is known for its depth and complexity. It is therefore not surprising that success in chess depends on a large number of individual components. These are areas of knowledge as well as characteristics and skills that are either already present, can be learned or can be improved. The following 10 categories consist of 40 subcategories which might not be fully comprehesive and could be subdivided even further. The bad news is that becoming a strong chess player comes with a lot of requirements. But there is also good news to be found. The list below represents a multitude of adjusting screws, which you can use to activate your unrealized potential.

1. Understanding of the system

  • The 10 actors for success in chess
  • The value system of chess

2. Concrete knowledge

  • Opening theory
  • Endgame theory

3. Abstract knowledge

  • Opening principles
  • Middlegame principles and concepts
  • Principles of strategic endgames
  • Principles and mechanisms of tactics

4. Visual knowledge

  • Tactical patterns and motifs
  • Positive and negative positional patterns
  • Pawn structures

5. Logical-methodical knowledge (decision-making)

  • Strategic analysis (exploring the logic of the position)
  • Plan finding (derivation from the positional logic)
  • Calculation of variations
  • Metagame aspects (e.g. time management, inclusion of psychology)

6. Cognitive abilities

  • Memory
  • Processing speed
  • Visualization skills
  • Logical skills
  • Creativity

7. Character

  • Courage, willingness to fight
  • Ambition
  • Patience, perseverance, discipline
  • Realism, objectivity

8. Self-management

  • Resource analysis (strengths, weaknesses, available time, willingness to make sacrifices)
  • Realistic goal setting (time horizon)
  • Game analysis
  • Motivation
  • Character building (ego control)

9. Organization

  • Training routine
  • Tournament preparation
  • Tournament planning
  • Time management

10. Vitality

  • Age/youth
  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Nervous strength
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